Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Am I an addict?

So I think I may have issues. I'm not an addict in the traditional sense like smoking, drinking, illegal drugs, etc. I don't even know if there IS a 12 step program to help me. But are you even considered an addict if you don't want to stop?

So what is this addiction that I speak of. Well, let me tell you what happened today. I'm at the grocery store and enjoying the time to myself. I use to hate getting groceries, but when I can go by myself it's heavenly. I am going through the self checkout, click on finish and pay and swear under my breath. I FORGOT to scan a fountain drink cup. UGH! So instead of just shrugging it off and moving on, I purchase the cup all so I can get a little bit of the brown fizzy stuff.... COKE! A habit that I really need to give up but am not all too excited about. The addiction was only made worse by a certain fast food restaurant chain that had game pieces included on their medium sized drinks. So every time I drove past said chain I would have to pull in to get one via drive thru. I was making up excuses to go places that just happened to be near one. My oh my am I ever hooked. Why is it so easy to feed into my $1.47 habit.

Oh and that's a whole other rant. Does it really cost $1.47????? I mean just two weeks ago it was $1.37 and over the summer it was only a buck. What is up with that?!! I guess at least it's cheaper than souped up coffees.

I do have other addictions but I am so in denial. Like the facebook one. I avoided it for months, finally stepped a toe into the waters of facebook and within a month I'm hooked! Heaven forbid if they have issues or I call down the powers that be to curse them in one breath and take it back in the next... just in case "they" can hear me and decide to mess with my profile some more. What's a girl to do? At least on facebook I'm interacting with people instead of the TV. That's what I tell myself anyway.

I think I'll keep the rest of my addictions to myself... for now. Until it's time they rear their ugly heads. Why can't I be addicted to healthy things like running, exercise, or even just fruit. lol Maybe I'll try turning over a new leaf and find some new and improved addictions, but then again.... coke just tastes so good.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish I'd stopped at Coke, but I burned myself out on soda working in a restaurant in high school. I moved on to coffee - the stronger, the darker, the better. Once in a while I'll dally around with a latte, but it better have at least one extra shot in it.

    Yes, I'm an addict. And I won't even bother addressing the Facebook thing. We can quit anytime we want, can't we?
