Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is this blogging thing??

There are so many people who are blogging these days. A good friend of mine just started a blog. So I thought I would give it a shot. I have not a clue what I'm doing, but I love to rant and rave about things that bother me. I'm tired of only talking out loud to myself. LOL. Maybe if I put my rants online I'll have an audience.

So a little bit about me.....

I have two kids. My son B is 7 and my daughter Grainerd is 4. So lots to talk about there. Lots of comedy and drama and new parenting issues that I have NOT a clue on how to deal with. Where is that manual? I must have misplaced it at the hospital before I brought them home. Even if they did have one, I'm not sure it would be in a language I understand. Not sure how I am old enough or grown up enough to have a 7 year old. Where did the time go?

I've been happily married for almost 10 years now. He is my rock. It's been a wild ride and I wouldn't change any of it. It's all helped to shape me into the... dare I say it... woman I am today.

Not sure how much I'll be posting. We'll see where this takes me. Between being wife, mom, business owner, chef, chauffeur, judge, jury, executioner, pardoner, friend, sister, daughter, aunt, decision maker, accountant, facebook addict etc. we'll see how much time I have to post. I'm sure I'll have a rant very soon. Us redheads usually do! lol

1 comment:

  1. Manual? Your hospital gave out manuals? Sheesh, I never even had my hands on one long enough to lose it. No wonder I'm confused. Wonder what the statute of limitations is for suing them.

    And, yes, it's pretty much in the redhead job description that we have to rant. I look forward to reading more!
